Saturday, February 15, 2014

NPR Condemns "Christian" Violence in CAR; NPR Listeners Are Mislead

I've posted before about the Central African Republic. I've mentioned that I was a Peace Corps Volunteer there. Please read this post which gives you background information.

Recent months have seen what some have called a "genocide" by Muslims against Christian-Animists.

French troops arrived. Christian-Animists began striking back.

NPR, America's tax-payer-funded radio, suddenly discovered the violence in CAR. NPR broadcast a story last night that was criminally short on background information.

NPR's emphasis was on victimization of Muslims by Christians. NPR mentioned, late in the broadcast and almost parenthetically, that Muslims had previously victimized Christians. This information was scanty and incomplete.

You can read the NPR story here. You will see that many NPR listeners did indeed hear the story as a story of bad, bad Christians victimizing Muslims, or as the problem caused by "religion." NPR seemed to say that the tensions behind these events are all recent. This is not true. Listener comments reveal how badly NPR distorted what's going on in CAR.

Again, I invite concerned readers to check out the previous blog post here that provides more information.

Please pray for peace in CAR. Peace for Christians, Animists, and Muslims. Please act for truth in American media.

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